Russian 120B: Advanced Russian Conversation
Lisa Little | MWF 1-2 | 175 Dwinelle | 2-3 units | CCN: 81230
This course focuses on oral communication skills. The goal is to help students develop confidence and begin to feel comfortable conversing in Russian on various topics beyond routine social and survival needs. Since communication often breaks down when comprehension is poor, part of the class will be devoted to improving listening skills and building vocabulary.
The course may be taken for two or three credits. Majors in the Russian Language and Literature track must take this course for 3 units to count towards fulfillment of the 120A/120B requirement.
Those students taking the course for two credits will come to class on Mondays and Wednesdays and do the assignments for those days. Students who choose to take the course for three credits will attend on Fridays as well. Together they will decide on a project (or projects) for the semester. It might be publishing a newspaper, writing and staging a play, filming a movie… or, judging by previous semesters, students may prefer to each take a turn planning and directing an interactive class based on their own interests (in consultation with the instructor).
The Monday/Wednesday students will have regular home assignments to prepare for the next day’s class. There will be an oral test (one-on-one with the instructor) every 3 weeks or so. Each student will also give a presentation. At the end of the semester there will be a final oral interview (with a less formal one at the beginning of the semester as a point of comparison).
Text: All materials to be supplied by instructor during the course of the semester.
Prerequisites: Russian 4 or consent of instructor.