Spring 2025

Class offerings are subject to change.


ARMENI 1B: Introductory Armenian #20989
Douzjian, Myrna | TuTh 12:30 PM-2:00 PM | HGYM 245 | 3 units

ARMENI 102: Advanced Readings in Specialized Armenian #31339
Douzjian, Myrna | Tu 3:30 PM-6:30 PM | DOE 251 | 4 units

BOSCRSR 27B: Introductory Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian #21159
Postema, Antje | TuTh 12:30-2 PM| DWINELLE B-33B | 4 units

BOSCRSR 117B: Continuing Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian #21160
Dombrowski, Andrew | TuTh 2-3:30 PM | DWINELLE B-33B | 4 units

HUNGARI 1B: Introductory Hungarian #21589
Szoke, Eva | TuTh 12:30 PM-2:00 PM | Online | 3 – 4 units

HUNGARI 100: Hungarian Readings #23934
Szoke, Eva | TuTh 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | Online | 2 units

POLISH 25B: Introductory Polish #22635
Zacha, Katarzyna | MWF 9:00 AM-10:00 AM | DWINELLE 6115 | 4 units

RUSSIAN 1: Elementary Russian #22698
Language Coordinator: Willis, Oksana | M-F 10:00 AM-11:00 AM | DWINELLE 179 | 5 units

RUSSIAN 2: Elementary Russian #22699
Language Coordinator: Willis, Oksana | M-F 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | DWINELLE 187 | 5 units

RUSSIAN 3: Intermediate Russian #22700
Language Coordinator: Willis, Oksana | M-F 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | DWINELLE 179 | 5 units

RUSSIAN 4: Intermediate Russian #22701
Language Coordinator: Willis, Oksana | M-F 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | DWINELLE 235 | 5 units

RUSSIAN 6B: Introductory Russian for Heritage Speakers #25161
Language Coordinator: Willis, Oksana | MWF 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | SOCIAL SCIENCES 174 | 3 units

RUSSIAN 103B: Advanced Russian #31146
Language Coordinator: Willis, Oksana | MWF 1:00 PM-2:00 PM | SOCIAL SCIENCES 54 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: International Studies

RUSSIAN 120B: Advanced Russian Conversation #27375
Language Coordinator: Willis, Oksana | MWF 3:00 PM-4:00 PM | DWINELLE 206 | 2-3 units

UKRAINI 1B: Introductory Ukrainian #25379
Goshylyk, Nataliia | MWF 10:00 AM-11:00 AM | DWINELLE B-7 | 4 units

UKRAINI 160: Continuing Ukrainian #25432
Goshylyk, Nataliia | M 11:00 AM -1:00 PM | DWINELLE B-7 | 3 units


SLAVIC R5A-001:Cinematic Revolutions: Capturing and Changing the World through Film #22712
Instructor TBA | MWF 10:00 AM-11:00 AM | DWINELLE 105 | 4 units

SLAVIC R5A-002: Illness in Slavic Literature #22713
Instructor TBA | MWF 10:00 AM-11:00 AM | DWINELLE 106 | 4 units

SLAVIC R5B-001: “Rejoicing in the Mysterious Curve of Lenin’s Straight Line”: Reading the Life and Works of Isaac Babel #22714
Instructor TBA | TuTh 8:00 AM-9:30 AM | DWINELLE 106 | 4 units

SLAVIC R5B-003: Topic TBD #23936
Instructor TBA | MWF 9:00 PM -10:00 AM | DWINELLE 106 | 4 units

SLAVIC R5B-004: Second World Cultures after the Cold War #24379
Instructor TBA | TuTh 11:00 AM-12:30 AM | DWINELLE 234 | 4 units

SLAVIC R5B-005: Slavic Literature and Psychoanalysis #24380
Johnson, Zachary | TuTh 9:30 AM-11:00 AM | DWINELLE 233 | 4 units


SLAVIC 46: 20th C Russian Literature #24795
Barskova, Polina | TuTh 12:30 PM-2:00 PM | DWINELLE 250 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature

SLAVIC 49AC: Children’s Literature #24794
Nesbet, Anne | TuTh 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | STANLEY 177 | 3 units
Fulfills American Cultures requirement

SLAVIC 50: Intro to Russian/East European/ Eurasian Studies #25380
Kavitskaya, Darya | TuTh 9:30 AM-11:00 AM | STANLEY 177 | 3 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature, International Studies, or Social & Behavioral Sciences

SLAVIC 100L: ADVANCED READINGS in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Languages
Units: 1 | Instructor: various| Day/Time TBD | 1 unit

SLAVIC 100R: Research in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Units: 1 | Instructor: various| Day/Time TBD | 1 unit

SLAVIC 131: Literature, Art, and Society in 20th-Century Russia #31348
Ram, Harsha | MWF 10:00 PM-11:00 PM | DWINELLE 88 | 4 units
Cross listed with Comp Lit 155

SLAVIC 134C: Dostoevsky (+ some Gogol) #32264
Barskova, Polina | TuTh 5:00 PM-6:30 PM | DWINELLE 182 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature

SLAVIC 147A: Russian Folklore and Folk Belief from Myth to Present Day #33390
McCorkle, Karina | MWF 12:00 PM-1:00 PM | DWINELLE 242 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature or Social & Behavioral Sciences

SLAVIC 150: Between the Orgy go the Light and the Guillotine of the Night: Survey of 20th Century Polish Literature #31149
Zacha, Katarzyna | MWF 10:00 AM-11:00 AM | DWINELLE 6115 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature

SLAVIC 171: Advanced Yugoslav Readings #31148
Postema, Antje | TuTh 3:30 PM-5:00 PM | DWINELLE B-33B | 3 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature

SLAVIC 175 : Balkan Cinema #32265
Postema, Antje | W 5:00 PM-7:00 PM | DWINELLE 179 | 3 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature

SLAVIC 182: Pushkin (in Russian) #31150
Golburt, Lyubov | TuTh 3:30 PM-5:00 PM | DWINELLE 134 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature

SLAVIC 198: Medieval Armenian Literature #22716
Douzjian, Myrna / Derderian, Dzovinar | Th 4:00 PM-6:00 PM | Location TBD | 1 unit
8 week course


SLAVIC 200: Graduate Colloquium #26280
Barskova, Polina | M 4:00 PM-7:00 PM | DWINELLE 109 | 0 units

RUSSIAN 204: Russian Composition and Style #31214
Golburt, Luba | TuThu 12:30 PM-2:00 PM | DWINELLE 6115 | 3 units

SLAVIC 246B: Postwar Russian Literature #31152
Ram, Harsha | W 2:00 PM-5:00 PM | DWINELLE 6115 | 4 units

SLAVIC 280: Platonov #19492
Naiman, Eric | Tu 3:00 PM-6:00 PM | DWINELLE 6115 | 4 units

SLAVIC 375A:  Language Pedagogy (Russian 1-4) #26281
Willis, Oksana | W 12:00 PM-2:00 PM | DWINELLE 6115 | 3 units

SLAVIC 375B: R&C Methodology (R5A-B) #26282
Johnson, Zachary | M 2:00 PM-3:00 PM | DWINELLE 6115  | 3 units