Russian 1 & 2

Russian 1 sections meet M-F 11-12, 12-1 or 1-2 | CCNs: 81203, 81206, 81209

Russian 2 section meets M-F 11-12 | CCN: 81212

IF YOU SPEAK RUSSIAN AT HOME (even if you do not read and write), please contact the instructor-in-charge to make sure you are placed in the correct section.

Comprehensive program for the study of Russian. Development of communicative skills and cultural and grammatical competence through reading, writing, listening (or viewing), and speaking.

Grades based on daily attendance, homework, compositions, chapter and oral tests, and a final (a computerized standardized test that may be taken anytime during the last two weeks up through the regularly scheduled final time and counts for 5% of the grade).


Russian 1:

Между нами (Mezhdu nami), a new free, web-based textbook by Lynne deBenedette, William Comer, Alla Smyslova, and Jonathan Perkins. (You will need to purchase a packet of homework and classwork pages or print out the pdfs yourself.)

Russian 2:

Same as above.

Prerequisites: Russian 1 has no prerequisites as it assumes no previous knowledge of Russian. RUSSIAN 1 IS THE PREREQUISITE FOR RUSSIAN 2 [FORMERLY SLAVIC 2]. If you have not taken the previous semester here, SCREENING AND PLACEMENT IS MANDATORY to determine the best placement for you. Prospective students must contact Lisa Little at: