Hungarian 1B: Introductory Hungarian
Eva Szoke | TuTh 12:30-2 | 6115 Dwinelle | 3 or 4 units
HUNGARIAN 1B IS A CONTINUATION OF 1A. Hungarian 1B can be taken for either three or four units; the additional unit involves extra written and reading assignments.
The course focuses on building basic language skills and practicing interpersonal, interpretive, and communication modes. It will explore some aspects of the Hungarian culture, including contemporary and historical events, literature, pop-culture, and folklore. Teaching is adjusted in accordance with students’ individual needs, goals, and interests.
Class participation, homework, quizzes, and a final project will provide the basis for grading.
Teaching materials include textbook, handouts, voice recordings, Byki files, and also a variety of original Hungarian written, visual, and audio sources. Teaching is thematic; therefore, the textbook is not followed from chapter to chapter, but sections are selected based on the thematic focus of each unit and strongly supplemented by handouts
Textbook: József Erdős and Csilla Prileszky: Halló, Itt Magyarország! Student Book (Hungarian Edition) [Paperback] 20014. Akadémia Kiadó. Budapest, Hungary.
ISBN-10: 963059577X, ISBN-13: 978-9630595773
Prerequisites: Hungarian 1A or consent of instructor.